You contribute the passion for what you do, we add the rest.
If there’s one thing they say about us, it’s that we’re extremely flexible and approachable and that we go out of our way to provide you with the very best service.
Flexible spaces
Open 24 h
Private rooms
Free WiFi
* Common areas
Lobby restaurant
Package service
Storage rooms
Free outdoor parking
Indoor parking
Technical assistance
Lobby restaurant
If working
doesn’t whet your appetite, this restaurant will.
Breakfast, lunch or coffee?
The Lobby is the best choice for meeting customers or unwinding with your colleagues. Quality in every mouthful.
See menu
Between exercising your brain and exercising your body there are just a few steps.
Specialised rooms, supervised classes and personal trainers.
Request information
As inspiration can strike at any time, we open 24 hours a day.
Whether you arrive really early or leave really late, at BMC we’ll always be here for you. That’s why our doors are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Join us